Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A biz owner's dilemma... How does one select a web development firm with limited funds/time and ENORMOUS ideas

I own a niche publication for recent college grads. We need a website - a killer website for my savvy audience. I have met with 8 different web firms / one-man shops. Every single one has given me a significantly different approach to how they would handle my site. I have no f***in clue how to pick a direction.

- One's mindset is "make money." That's it. Get something up and live, launch the features which will bring in the most dough and optimize it over time.

- Others - 'make money from the publication and then use that to build a better site.'

- Others - 'take the time now to go through a full architecture and development now, so the site is positioned to grow and scale as the publication and user traffic does.'

- Others -'choose us for our proprietary content management system.'


Is part of this my fault? i.e. not being specific enough?

What's the most important criteria? The people? Making money? Catering to business needs? Keeping users first?


A biz owner's dilemma... How does one select a web development firm with limited funds/time and ENORMOUS ideas
I don't have a clue how to build a web site, but, I know what your potential clients want. 1. The web page tells you what steps to take after you get there. 2. Information on what you do ( tele marketing, clothing sales, car rental, etc. 3. If interested, client does this. 4. Potential for making money.

So, I think the whole package waiting in the wings sounds great, but, not practical. I would go with someone that talks so you can understand what they offer, and is willing to work with the finances you have.
Reply:instead of thinking from ur point of view of making money, position yourself as a student, which one of these ideas will benefit or attract you most. alternatively, conduct surveys with students to get their opinions.. that way u know that ur website will catch students attention when its launched.

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