Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why does anybody use ColdFusion for web development anymore?

Why does anybody use ColdFusion for web development anymore? Particularly since it's implemented in Java, it seems to me in particular to be an anachronism to do new development of server side logic in ColdFusion (on the other hand I could see having servlets forward a response to a .cfm template page much as is done with .jsp template pages)

Why does anybody use ColdFusion for web development anymore?
To answer the comparison between CF and Java: Quite simply, Java is a complete pain to develop websites with, and especially if you are using servlets. People use coldfusion particularly because it represents a good abstraction layer over other technologies, and therefore hides things you don't need or want to know, that are irrelevant to your programming task. This allows you to build applications much quicker than many alternatives.

Just because it is built on top of /implemented in Java would not be a valid reason to stop using it, since taking that argument to its logical conclusion we would still be programming in machine language.

flower bouquet

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